Activity 2: The Invisible Suitcase

Key Questions

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What sort of feelings are in your own invisible suitcase?

These could be drawn, selected from a range on offer, spoken about or related to an event in their lives.

Has the Coronavirus pandemic added anything to your suitcase?

Feeling lonely, missing friends or family, worried about people getting ill, knowing or hearing about someone who has died.

If someone we know dies, what feelings might go into our suitcase?

Feeling sad, upset, shocked, angry, missing the person. Also include some less expected reactions such as feeling numb, worried, guilty, lonely, happy or grateful that you knew the person.

Even though their suitcase is invisible, how might we be able to tell when other people are struggling with their own invisible suitcase?

They might look upset, or feeling lonely, maybe they do not have any friends or someone to talk to. Perhaps they are very angry or moody?

How can we look after ourselves and others?

As well as all the usual things, being able to talk to trusted adults, sharing worries etc. Being a good friend can help; it is a bit like having someone to help carry the suitcase, or being able to put it down for a few moments.

Who has helped us during the pandemic?

NHS staff, supermarkets, delivery companies, schools, maybe family or friends. What did they do which was helpful? Why was it important?

Reflection and Support

Explain to pupils that it might feel upsetting or worrying when they speak about people dying. Remind them of all the people who are available to help them, and who they can talk to if they feel upset or worried.

Reflect on their own contributions and remind them that they cannot control the actions of others, but will make a difference by what they do themselves.

They could:

  • Design a thank you card for themselves for all they have done during the pandemic.
  • Draw a picture to remind them of how they help to look after others or to keep people safe in the pandemic - washing hands, staying at home, learning at home, speaking on video calls instead of visiting.
  • Draw, list or discuss three things which are really important to them.

For staff – plan something together as part of the debrief. This could be a walk and talk or tea and cake after school, or at lunchtime. Signpost to support and check in with each other.